Monday, March 03, 2008

Daily Kos Readers and Obama's Religion Response

Curious about reaction to issues raised in the last post, The Religious Smear Against Obama, we put the question out in a comment and a poll on the Daily Kos asking whether readers thought Obama's responses had been proper. (To see the last post, go to: The Religious "Smear" Against Obama)

The responses to the (very unscientific) poll were interesting. For a liberal blog it was striking that very few thought Obama should attack the integrity of the religion question itself. Moreover, in the comments of readers to the poll and the blurb with which we introduced the poll, almost everyone discussed Obama's responses only in strategic terms and almost no one discussed their propriety.


Senator Obama's response to questions about whether he is a Muslim should be to:

Not dignify the question with an answer: 2% or 2 votes

Say only that whether one is Muslim is irrelevant to election as
President: 6% or 6 votes

Say that he is a Christian and also say that whether one is
Muslim is irrelevant to election as President: 52% or 46 votes

Only say that he is a Christian: 24% or 21 votes

Say that he is a Christian and clearly reject the idea that he is a Muslim: 13% or 12 votes

To see reader commentary and the poll itself go to: tdeluca at Daily Kos

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